AVD Extended Workshop

Intro into Ansible, Ansible AVD, Git and VSCode for new and existing AVD users

What is this Workshop about?

  • This workshop is split into 3 sections. Each section takes around 2 hours to complete. That can be done as a full day workshop or split into 3 separate sessions.

  • Topics:

    • Section 1 - Intro:
      • Introducing the Tools
      • Before We Start - get lab environment up and running
      • Prepare Github Codespaces Environment
      • Run AVD Playbooks
      • Make Some Changes in AVD Repository
    • Section 2 - Ansible and Git 101
    • Section 3 - Common AVD provisioning cases
  • Make a break when you see a slide with a coffee cup ☕️

  • Ask questions at any time!

Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

What is NOT covered in this Workshop?

  • This workshop is not a deep dive into each and every topic. It is covering some advanced concepts, but you may need additional documentation and training to understand every topic in details.
    For additional information please refer to the following resources:
  • We are not going to use Arista CloudVision Portal (CVP) in this workshop. It provides a lot of advantages, but is not essential to understand the concepts covered.
  • If you will not find something you expect in this workshop, there can be 2 reasons:
    • There are no plans to cover it
    • It is waiting for your contribution to this repository! 🤝
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023


  • You MUST have a Github account❗
    Register here.
  • You MUST have an arista.com account to download cEOS-lab image for Codespaces.
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

Introducing The Tools

Section 1.1

  • The bird view on the tools we are going to use in this workshop.
  • No details, they will come in a later sections. Just and overview.
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

What is Git?

  • In Short:

    Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to a set of files and enables collaborative work.

  • Fun Fact:

    Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to develop Linux kernel.

Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

What is GitHub?

  • GitHub is a Git repository hosting platform.
  • Allows to coordinate multiple local copies of the same repository and more.
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023


  • Visual Studio Code is an extensible source-code editor developed by Microsoft and free to use.
  • This will be our main tool to work with Ansible AVD and interact with Git repositories in the workshop and production.
  • We are not going to cover VSCode installation and customization in this workshop. Check VSCode documentation for details.
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

Before We Start

Section 1.2

  • How to get your lab environment up and running
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

Lab Topology

  • The lab topology consists of:

    • 2 spines
    • 4 L3 leafs splitted into 2 MLAG pairs
    • 2 L2 leafs ("iLO switches")
Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023


Arista Ansible AVD Extended Workshop, 2023

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